Adaptation of ISO50001:2018

In adopting the ISO 50001:2018  and through our Energy Policy approved by the President, the University has empowered the Buildings & Estates Energy team led by Michael Curran Energy Performance Officer to lead the University in its quest for continuous improvement in its energy footprint and efficiency, and compliance with external regulations and standards for:

  • Ensuring the EnMS is established, implemented, maintained and undergoes continuous improvement in compliance with the standard.
  • Allocating responsibility for energy management activities to the Energy & Utilities Manager.
  • Reporting back to the University Management Team (UMT) meetings on energy performance and adherence to the EnMS.
  • Ensuring that the energy measures are in line with University of Galway  Energy policy, promoting the awareness of the energy policy and objectives throughout the College and ensuring that the operation of the EnMS is appropriate and effective.
  • Ensuring the energy management approach supports the College’s energy policy.
  • Engaging with external funding bodies SEAI and HEA to carry out energy projects as part of Pathways.
  • Set targets and actions from the Register of Opportunities.
  • Members of the U9 group of University Energy engineers.
  • Actively promote Energy reduction and run energy campaigns to encourage students to reduce energy consumption.

Monitoring, Measurement and Analysis

Buildings that are included within the scope of the University of Galway ISO50001 EnMS are documented and included in a thorough review and updated on the University of Galway Energy Manual and Dashboard. There are 58 buildings included that have a total internal floor area of 155,090 m2. Internal audits of the ISO50001 EnMS have been carried out during 2020 and a number of observations were noted. Those observations coupled with resulting actions taken, compliment the continuous improvement statement as outlined in the University of Galway Energy Policy.

The management team measure electrical and thermal energy performance using key performance indicators; kWh (e)1 and kWh (th)2 per metre squared of treated floor area per annum. These are termed Energy Performance Indicators, or EnPIs, and are being used to set targets for enhanced energy performance improvement plans.

University of Galway operate a formal EnMS which is compliant with the requirements of ISO50001: 2018; Energy Management Systems Standard. The Energy Review is carried out once a year and also in response to major changes in facilities, equipment, systems or energy using processes. An extensive energy monitoring system is used to meter electrical and natural gas usage on site. Monthly energy performance indicators are sent to the responsible manager(s) for the SEU to measure their actual versus expected energy consumption. Significant deviations in the EnPI’s (+ 10%) are tracked and investigated.

Lucideon ISO Certificate 2022

Lucideon ISO Certificate 2020