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November 2015 Winter Conferrings at NUI Galway
Winter Conferrings at NUI Galway
Over 1,450 students will graduate from across the five colleges at NUI Galway at the University's winter conferring ceremonies, which take place from Tuesday, 24 November to Thursday, 26 November.
Speaking in advance of the ceremonies, President of NUI Galway, Dr Jim Browne, said: “On behalf of NUI Galway, I congratulate all our graduands and extend a warm welcome to their parents, families and friends. We are delighted to acknowledge their outstanding achievements and wish them continued success in the future.”
In addition, degrees, higher diplomas, Masters and PhDs will be awarded to students graduating over the three days from the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences; College of Engineering and Informatics; College of Business, Public Policy and Law; College of Science; and the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies.
Bronnadh an Gheimhridh in OÉ Gaillimh
Bronnfar céim ar bhreis is 1,450 mac léinn as cúig choláiste OÉ Gaillimh idir Dé Máirt, an 24 agus Déardaoin, an 26 Samhain, i searmanais bronnta céime an gheimhridh san Ollscoil.
Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag Uachtarán OÉ Gaillimh, an Dr Jim Browne, roimh thús na searmanais: “Thar ceann OÉ Gaillimh, déanaim comhghairdeas lenár gcéimithe ar fad agus tá fearadh na fáilte roimh a dtuismitheoirí, a dteaghlaigh agus a gcairde. Tá ríméad orainn aitheantas a thabhairt dá gcuid éachtaí agus guímid gach rath orthu san am atá le teacht.”
Sa bhreis air sin, bronnfar céimeanna, ard-dioplómaí, Máistreachtaí agus PhDanna le linn na dtrí lá ar mhic léinn ó Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais agus na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte; ó Choláiste na hInnealtóireachta agus na hIonformaitice; ó Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí agus an Dlí; ó Choláiste na hEolaíochta; agus ó Choláiste na nDán, na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta agus an Léinn Cheiltigh.
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