Parents and Children Needed for Blood Pressure Study by University of Galway Research

May 23 2011 Posted: 17:06 IST

The Centre for Research on Occupational and Life Stress at University of Galway are currently recruiting individuals to take part in their Family Research Project. The research study will examine the influence of family factors and social networks on blood pressure, and is funded by the Irish Research Council for the Social Sciences and Humanities. The researchers are looking for parents and children (aged 6 to 10 years) to take part.

Director of CROLS, Dr. Brian Hughes explained, “Previous studies have suggested that our social networks and family relationships affect our blood pressure responses to everyday stressful situations. Some people feel that this may help explain why socially supportive relationships can be good for your health.”

Ann-Marie Creaven, a lead researcher on the study, said “Social factors are strongly associated with blood pressure responses to stress and are therefore relevant to public health. Little research examines blood pressure in children and parents specifically. This project offers parents and children an opportunity to see how their blood pressure fluctuates in response to everyday events. The findings of this project should help to inform the development of improved health promotion strategies for family groups and highlight the factors particularly relevant for parents’ cardiovascular function.”

For this project, parent-child pairs will visit the laboratory together at University of Galway, for an hour-long session where their blood pressure will be monitored. Parents will also be invited to a public talk outlining the topics of the research to take place at the end of summer.

For details on how to participate in the study, contact the principal investigator Ann-Marie Creaven at 091 493264, or 085 1855560,, or visit



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