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February 2004 Múscailt 04 - NUI Galway's Springtime Arts Festival
Múscailt 04 - NUI Galway's Springtime Arts Festival
Monday, 2 February 2004
The theatrical highlight will be Belfast Blues by Geri Hughes, the one-person show which provides a humourous, touching portrayal of a young girl growing up in a troubled Belfast. Comic genius Tommy Tiernan will perform a stand-up gig especially for students and staff in the O Flaherty theatre, his first show ever on campus.
"This is the fourth annual arts festival on campus and we are delighted that 'Múscailt' gets better every year," says Fionnuala Gallagher, NUI Galway's Arts Officer. "There is a wealth of talent in the student societies and that combined with performances from well-known, established artists has resulted in a very exciting programme of events. We hope the people of Galway will join with us in this tremendous celebration of the arts."
One of the many innovative and exciting events on the programme is a poetry slam on the theme Múscailt/Awakening. This will take place in the college bar with Pete Mullineaux doing MC and there will be great prizes for best poems and best performances.
Alice in Wonderland is this year s musical in the Black Box Theatre, showcasing the combined talents of the dramatic, choral, orchestral and dance societies with some staff members taking cameo roles.
Film Festival is an eclectic mix of shorts and feature films and boasts a Film Forum on Screenwriting with special guests Rod Stoneman, Lelia Doolin and Irish film-makers Gerry Stembridge, Ronan Gallagher and Liz Gill.
Special guest writers will be Nevfel Cumart, Turkish-German poet who will read from his latest collection and Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill who will present a specially commissioned poem.
The creative talents of the student societies have combined to produce a wide range of events: literary, drama, dance, art, photographic, the musical and film festival among others. Exhibitions from Photosoc are also well worth a visit. Dramsoc is showcasing a series of original one-act plays in collaboration with the M.A. in Writing and M.A. in Drama and Theatre programmes alongside Teatro Punto s Don t Sleep and The Lovely Ladies clown show STOP.
Rockbands Label, Blue Sun and Charis share the billing with the NUI Galway Barbershop Quartet, Sean-nós singer Josie Shéain Jeaic MacDonncha, and ConTempo String Quartet.
The highlight of many exhibitions will be the new acquisitions in the NUI Galway Art Collection, which includes Seán McSweeney, Derek Hill, Terry Frost, Brian Bourke, Louis LeBroquy alongside recently restored works of historical value by Robert Gregory and James Holland Snr.
Múscailt 04 presents the perfect opportunity to take part in the cultural life of NUI Galway. The festival is supported by Galway University Foundation and the Arts Office.
For more information check: www.nuigalway.ie/arts_office/ Tel. Arts Office: 091 512062